Avhandling, Eva Persson
A "new life" with a stoma and quality of care among patients and their partners
Eva Persson, Göteborg (2004-04-23).
Avhandlingen baseras på följande delarbeten:
Eva persson and Anna-Lena Hellström - Body image of Sweden men and women 6-12 weeks after ostomy surgery. Journal of Wound Ostomy Continence Nursing. 2002 Mar;29(2):103-8.
Eva Persson, Bengt Gustavsson, Anna-Lena Hellström, Georg Lappas and Leif Hultén - Ostomy patients´perception of Quality of care. Accepted in Journal of advanced Nursing.
E.Persson, A-L Hellström, B Gustavsson, G Fridstedt, G Lappas and L Hultén - Information to the ostomy patients´ relatives – is it satisfactory Submitted.
Eva Persson, Elisabeth Severinsson and Anna-Lena Hellström - Spouses´ perceptions of and reactions to living with a partner who has undergone surgery for rectal cancer resulting in a stoma. Cancer Nursing, 2004 Jan; 27 (1): 85-90